Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Where Have All The Reviewers Gone? Inquiring Minds Want To Know!

Have you recently read a book? What was it? And what were your thoughts about that book? Did you go to a website and leave a review? NO? Why not?
Inquiring minds want to know. Seriously. Why didn’t you leave a review? Did you just not know what to say? Did you hate the book so much that you would rather not say anything at all? I ask these things not as a guilt trip to get you to go review all those books that you’ve read, but because I want to know why a reader wouldn’t leave a review.

As an added incentive for your advice, everyone who leaves a comment will be placed into a drawing for a signed copy of my book, Dragon Lover, the first in my Dragon Hunters Series.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What Makes You Attend A Book Signing? Inquiring minds want to know.

Jeanne Guzman signing Bridge Over Troubled Waters and Child Of The Dragon
So, you read about it on FB, or see it a few hundred times where the bird tweets non-stop, but what about an announcement makes you jump into your car and travel to the book store or to a near-by writers conference to have a book signed by an author you’ve never heard of before?

Inquiring minds want to know. Seriously. I was recently at a writers conference that advertised their book-signing and no one showed up but the authors signing books. I even went as far as walking the streets and telling perfect strangers to stop by, but NO ONE  showed up. Is it me? Am I doing something wrong? As a reader, what would you suggest I do?

Bridge Over Troubled Waters

As an added incentive for your advice, everyone who leaves a comment will be placed into a drawing for a signed copy of my book, Bridge Over Troubled Waters, currently a finalist in The Carolyn Readers Choice Awards.