Monday, August 22, 2011

MY FIRST… NOVEL with Guest Blogger Morgan Fox

With the release of her novel, Enticed by the Moon, Moonlight shifters 3, I thought it would be fun to ask Morgan Fox about her first…novel, so, without any ado whatsoever…
Who first introduced you to the love of reading?
There was no one person in my life that introduced me to the love of reading, and unfortunately, my parents were so busy with raising my other siblings and running their own business that they didn’t have time to enjoy a good book.  That instinctive desire came naturally to me, but not for a very long time.   
I was always in advanced reading classes in school, but the funny part of that was that I never finished one book fully.  Like a math problem, I figured out where all the good parts of the story were and simply read through those.  It wasn’t until I was in my very late teens that I actually completed reading my first book, and discovered how much of each story I was missing.  I can still remember the story, Goodnight Kiss by R.L. Stine, a young adult vampire story.  That young adult book opened up the doorway for the plethora of books that I’ve devoured over the years. 
I now have a personal home library of well over 2,000 books and I can’t stop collecting and reading. 

Who influenced your decision to become a writer?
I owe my decision to become a writer to two people.  First, my grandmother Barbara Ragland was the first person in my life to see that I had a passion for writing and she encouraged me to keep it up.  With her help, I entered my first writing contest when I was fifteen and placed with an Honorable Mention and was published. 
The other person who influenced my decision to become a writer was my husband Eric.  He was the one person who knew that the passion for writing I had as a child never went away and it was something I secretly longed for.  With his love, strength and encouragement I’m now a published author and a full time writer. 

Finish this thought. “If not for--------I would be-----------“
If not for my writing career I would be stuck in a corporate environment doing something I don’t love. 

On that all important DEDICATION PAGE who did/will you thank?
For as long as I’m a writer I will dedicate and thank my husband for standing beside me and being that one person who won’t let me quit no matter how hard I think things get. 

Look for Enticed by the Moon from Siren Publishing August 24th, 2011

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